Technology  Innovation  Leaders Class

Precise safety diagnosis and residual life evaluation

Over 50 years of service life for EMU with the latest technology through residual service       life evaluation and life extension.

Material technology together with the manufacture and control technologies are up to date. Also, the infrastructure is optimized. It is a waste of resource and tax to scrap the EMU which has been manufactured under such conditions after running for under 50 years.

Select vehicle
  • Carbody 3D

  • Bogie 3D

  • Carbody structure

  • Carbody structure

  • Bogie frame

  • Bogie frame

Evaluate status
  • Dimensional inspection

  • Visual inspection

Evaluate safety
  • Defect inspection

  • Corrosion inspection

  • Electrical characteristic

  • Electrical characteristic

Attach S/G load weight
  • Attach strain gauge

  • Load weight

Measure stress

Measure mean stress and dynamic stress

Evaluate performance
  • Powering test

  • Braking test

  • Ride comfort test

  • Vibration test

Assess residual service life and write report

The life extension project requires top technology, abundant experience and a       responsible attitude to the end.

Propose solution for extending residual service life
  • Directly weld the
    fracture area

  • Reinforced welding on
    weak area bracket

  • Reinforced welding on
    area with problem

  • Reinforced welding on
    area with problem

  • Additional reinforced
    welding on cross beam

  • Additional reinforced
    welding on side sill

Assessing the remaining life and prolonging the life of the project should precede the        establishment of standards and procedures.

Establish precise safety diagnosis system
  1. Write detail plan for precise safety diagnosis
  2. Select vehicle subject to precise safety diagnosis
  3. Design(3D), Modeling and analyze
  4. Evaluate status(Appearance, Dimension), Evaluate safety(Defect, Abrasion, Corrosion, Electric characteristic inspection)
  5. Attach strain gauge and load weight
  6. Measure average stress, measure dynamic stress and evaluate performance(powering, braking, vibration and ride comfort test)
  7. Evaluate residual service life and write precise safety diagnosis report
  8. Propose plan for extending residual service life
  9. Establish precise safety diagnosis
    evaluation system and submit comprehensive report